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Wonderful meditation
Excellent guided meditation to center oneself. Calm, insightful, and helpful.

What I was searching for
This is such a marvelous meditation podcast. The best Ive run across so far. Very relaxing and insightful.

Great podcast
This podcast is very helpful! This podcast helps me get through the stress and anxiety from the day!

New to meditation
Thanks so much for these beautiful meditation. They’re so good. I’ve learnt so much in such a short time already. Thank you.

Very calming soothing voice
I’ve listened to all of these meditations and now following…..I feel much calmer and relaxed after doing at least one of these meditations per day.

Love you so much I can’t wait for the next meditation

Great podcast
Great meditation sessions. So soothing 👍🏻

Very helpful
I have been listening to this podcast for a few weeks, and ever since I have started I have gotten better sleep. The voice is very soothing and the techniques help me stay relaxed on the rare occasion that it ends and I’m not asleep. Keep making more content as you are helping us all.

Sleepy Weepy
helped me get to sleep for santa

Just fabulous!
A great array of meditations to sooth and calm. I have never been a meditator but after a very stressful time in my life I have found more calm. I rarely have trouble sleeping now and never feel anxious to go to sleep knowing I have my friend Helen, with me. 🌸

Thank you
Wonderful podcast!

Thank you 🙏 meditation is fairly new to me and I am learning with help of your guided episodes … it has helped me enormously to calm my nervous system down and dampen anxiety and other unpleasant symptoms ! Music and voice is very soothing - glad I found this !

The best!!
Helen’s voice is so soothing. Her cadence and accompanying music speaks to her knowledge and understanding of meditation

I’m in awe!
I did one of the cleansing sessions as well as the deep recharging sleep sessions and wow, for context I’ve been going through a difficult period and I had a nightmare in which I threw up worms etc, upon research worms symbolise transformation and emesis basically is your body cleansing it’s self from the past - I truly think listening has connected me further with the universe and that I’m receiving intel im going in the right direction, thank you. also i normally cannot sleep for a good hour or two but I was able to wind down within about 10 minutes with your help.

Thanks for this podcast. Helps me sleep and everything.

Almost their
As I have listed to this podcast I have been noticing that the voice of the speaker has been different from other people in the past. Doesn’t get me wrong, I love listening to this podcast but, I would like to hear the same voice in all the episodes. But keep up with the good work!

Love this podcast.

Thank you for these podcasts they have helped me so much, and I highly recommend

Grateful for this🧚‍♀️🌈🌈💫
Just what I needed this morning to take the edge off from a dream. Thank you. Lovely voice.

Gratitude for finding you!
Grateful for your guidance! Grateful for life, love and kindness! Grateful for serenity and peace! Thank you my friend! 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

What an amazing voice! Please do more!! !

One of the best podcast on any platform!
Love this podcast. Simple topics and peaceful voice, With soothing background music, while you get visualized meditation! Love your team who produce this podcast! Love it if you’d offer live video content on Spotify?

Thank you for making new meditations!

So restorative
I’ve been finding your meditations so calming and beautiful thank you so much 🙏 even just a short 10 min so so restorative. Appreciate you, your beautiful voice and generous energy. Thank you!

Thank you
Thank you for your meditations 🙏. I really feel touched after meditating.

Beautiful serene voice and relaxing meditations

Soothing & soulful - a great tool!
I love these guided meditations, especially the chakra balancing one. It’s been a constant source of peace, and helped relieve anxiety and boost my energy during my perimenopause. When I use it regularly I find I’m really grounded and centred.

Relaxed,Calm,and Thankful
I love this podcast!!! Every time I listen to this podcast, I feel relaxed and calm from life.So thank you so much guided meditation!! For making me feel this way.PLEASE MAKE MORE EPISODES!! For our lives to be relaxed.❤️👍🏽☺️😇

Heal, Balance & Cleanse
I felt the need to meditate today and came across this podcast. Gave it a try and loved it! Your voice has a calming effect. Thank you so much! The episode I listened to is titled Heal, Balance & Cleanse.